Thursday, October 6, 2011

P.E.C. 's

When my oldest was in a private preschool, we were introduced to not only an intensive language program through discrete trials using the A.B.A. (applied behavior analysis) method, but also, a visual communication effort called Picture Exchange System.  You can buy online these days a computer software program that offers, literally, hundreds of little icon pictures that mean different things to indicate what you are communicating.  Usually, you would download it, run it, select those icons and use your home printer and some people laminate them for protection.  I was able to find free downloads of the internet, so I never bought the software.  We were fortunate that after a few years, we didn't need the P.E.C.'s (for short) anymore, that we could communicate what we expect verbally.  However, there are families that may need to use them longer.  I saw success when the schools used these P.E.C's as visual prompts in their daily routine.  I tried a similar thing too.  I put these P.E.C's around the house for chore charts and schedules.  My kids didn't really look at that sheet, despite I pointed it out every morning but I ended up putting them in a binder and if I could see they didn't understand my verbage, then I would pull it out and point to the icon that we both knew meant what I was indicating.  Many have had success with the Picture Exchange System.  I highly recommend it.  The more visual aids and visual tools you can add to their education the better.  They are such visual learners.  It is their strength.