Wednesday, September 21, 2011
In the Beginning
I was like any mother, in the sense, that I didn't know what I was getting into (lol), but I was definitely one of those nerdy mothers that was so excited that I read every parenting magazine, textbooks about expecting a child, and I couldn't wait for this little being to be born! I dreaded the pain and labor, but who doesn't? I had no idea my son would be born with special needs. Surprise! I admit that I was clueless the first year on some level because babies are have to around the clock feed them, change their diaper, etc.....but my little one was born with extra medical issues so I figured he was adjusting to the world in a rather harsh way and it didn't occur to me until after this first birthday that other challenges might follow....keeping that in mind....I was just as naive as the rest of the mothers out there...a first time Mom! There was some differences, tho....and that will come out in my my experiences!